A downloadable Prototype for Windows

Deep Space Enigma is, for now,  a space exploration prototype. This is being published for game testing purposes and is not a full game. 


Debug Controlls: Turn off debug pannels: F1 (The game starts with the debug pannels open. Press F1 to turn them off.)

Flight Controlls:

Thruster Movement: WASD.

Thruster Up: Space.

 Thruster Down: Left Shift.

 Stop Flying: F. (to leave the space ship, walk up to the button on the wall and  press F to drop the hatch).

Free Rotate Camera: Caps Lock.

Align With Planet: Left Alt.

Character Controlls:  

Movement: WASD.

Jump/Jetpack: Space (hold for jetpack).

Down Thrusters: Left Shift when in air. (Comes in handy when space walking).

Sprint: Left Shift(while on ground).

Action: F.

Hop in your ship and explore a universe with real physics, like planetary rotation and orbits. 

Thank you in advance for testing this prototype, if you have any thoughts, please leave a comment.


DeepSpaceEnigma v 274 MB

Development log


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Is this project still active?

This bears a striking resemblance to Sebastian Lague's creations.

i will say, put some effort into this and you could make ALOT of money.

honestly, if the game had better graphics and a few more things to do, i would pay for it, i would acually pay for it now.

i am gonna say, i would work on this for free if i knew how, the game has so much potential.

Thank you! I'm so happy you see the potential. I would love to finish this project, but the complexities that need to be solved are just beyond the scope of a single developer. Hopefully, someday I'll get funding to get a team behind it. 

I will fund you when I get the money, no joke, I want to see this become what it can possibly be.

I love this game! is it still in development

Thank you! It is no longer in development. Too ambitious for my available budget.